Host Live Documents within your premises
If opting for a hosted service is anathema to your enterprise security and privacy policies, the on-site version is perfect your needs. Contact us at sales@instacoll.com to inquire about our server pricing plans.
In addition, we offer a variety of Support and Services plans to help you make the most of your investment. From training to customization to premium support, Live Documents Support & Services is here to help you with all your needs.
What we offer :
Training Packages : Utilize the expertise of Live Documents staff to help introduce our offering into your organization. Our training packages can be tailored to fit your individual needs.
Customization : With our team of experts, you can get the custom solutions needed to make Live Documents integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructure and standards, while our professional services team takes the grunt work out of mundane tasks.
Premium Support : Looking for 24/7 support via email or chat? We offer round the clock, prioritized support for our on-site customers.